Evangelism – Basic Class
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The great commission as stated in Matthew 28:19 is a priority for us as believers. This course will seek to equip participants with the skills and tools for effective evangelism and mission engagement.
Goal of This Course. The goal of this course is to equip participants with the skills and tools for effective evangelism and mission engagement.
Course Objectives. At the end of this course:
- Participants should be able to define evangelism and explain the purpose of evangelism.
- Participants should be able to list three purposes of evangelism.
- Participants should be able to list three hindrances to evangelism.
- Participants should be able to talk about strategic steps for witnessing.
- Participants should be able to identify 5 forms of evangelism.
- Participants should be able to explain the Gospel message and its implications.
- Participants should be able to talk about the place of the Holy Spirit in evangelism.
Evangelism is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith, defined as the active and intentional dissemination of the Gospel message to others, often accompanied by a demonstration of the transformative power of Christ's love and salvation.
Evangelism is the dedicated practice of sharing the message of God's redemptive love and salvation with others, often with the intention of persuading them to embrace the teachings of Christianity.
The purpose of evangelism is deeply rooted in the divine mission to spread the transformative message of God's love, redemption, and salvation to all corners of the world. By understanding the core biblical principles and teachings, one can fully grasp the significance and urgency behind the practice of evangelism.
4EVANGELISM: Meaning and Purpose
5Definition of evangelism forms and tools.
Throughout history, several methods have been employed by Christians to spread the Gospel. This is what is referred to as forms of evangelism. These methods have improved during the course of time and many more methods have been included. Throughout the Scriptures, we find some methods that were used to propagate the Gospel by Jesus Christ, and His disciples. Some of these methods are still in use today and are still relevant depending on the context and culture where it is employed. But the methods of evangelism go side-by-side with the tools used for evangelism. These two should not be mixed-up. Though they are related, they are different. Like the forms of evangelism, the tools are tailored to specific contexts.
6Evangelism Forms vs. Tools
Throughout history, several methods have been employed by Christians to spread the Gospel. This is what is referred to as forms of evangelism. These methods have improved during the course of time and many more methods have been included. Throughout the Scriptures, we find some methods that were used to propagate the Gospel by Jesus Christ, and His disciples. Some of these methods are still in use today and are still relevant depending on the context and culture where it is employed. But the methods of evangelism go side-by-side with the tools used for evangelism. These two should not be mixed-up. Though they are related, they are different. Like the forms of evangelism, the tools are tailored to specific contexts.
7Forms of evangelism.
Throughout history, several methods have been employed by Christians to spread the Gospel. This is what is referred to as forms of evangelism. These methods have improved during the course of time and many more methods have been included. Throughout the Scriptures, we find some methods that were used to propagate the Gospel by Jesus Christ, and His disciples. Some of these methods are still in use today and are still relevant depending on the context and culture where it is employed. But the methods of evangelism go side-by-side with the tools used for evangelism. These two should not be mixed-up. Though they are related, they are different. Like the forms of evangelism, the tools are tailored to specific contexts.
8Tools of evangelism
Throughout history, several methods have been employed by Christians to spread the Gospel. This is what is referred to as forms of evangelism. These methods have improved during the course of time and many more methods have been included. Throughout the Scriptures, we find some methods that were used to propagate the Gospel by Jesus Christ, and His disciples. Some of these methods are still in use today and are still relevant depending on the context and culture where it is employed. But the methods of evangelism go side-by-side with the tools used for evangelism. These two should not be mixed-up. Though they are related, they are different. Like the forms of evangelism, the tools are tailored to specific contexts.
9Forms and Tools of Evangelism
10The Nigeria University campus: A Short Narrative
The Nigerian University campus, much like its counterparts around the world, is a dynamic hub pulsating with the vibrant energy of youth. It represents more than just a center for academic pursuits; it encapsulates a microcosm of diverse cultures, ideologies, and aspirations. Despite varying characteristics and infrastructure, universities universally serve as crucibles where young minds converge, interact, and evolve within a complex ecosystem of social, academic, and cultural influences.
11Understanding and Identifying trends.
Trends, in essence, encompass the prevailing styles, patterns, or directions that define the current preferences and inclinations within a specific context. Whether it pertains to fashion, technology, language, or cultural norms, trends serve as the compass guiding the collective consciousness toward the next 'in thing' that captures the imagination and interest of the broader population, particularly the youth demographic.
12The Generations
Generational classification offers a means of categorizing individuals based on the timeframe of their birth, thereby providing insights into the shared experiences, cultural influences, and defining events that shape their perspectives, values, and behaviors. Each generation is marked by distinct characteristics, shaped by the prevailing social, economic, and political circumstances of their formative years.
13Adapting evangelism to our context.
Adapting evangelism to the context of the Nigerian university campus involves a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic trends and generational characteristics that define the cultural landscape of the campus. Leveraging these insights can significantly enhance the effectiveness of evangelistic efforts within this unique setting.
14Evangelism in the Campus Context
Evangelism can be discouraged, hindered, or stopped abruptly in the life of a believer. However, in 1 Corinth 3:6 Paul rightly said: “I planted, Apollos watered but God gave the increase”. Implying that in evangelism, we must focus on our part and leave the increase to God.
19The Meaning, Origin and Content of the Gospel
The word “Gospel” in Greek is the word “evangelion.” It simply means “good news.” The word paints the picture of a message from the emperor that was to be delivered to the residents of an empire. A herald would stand in the town square, blow the trumpet, and announce to all the people, “I have good news from the emperor!” The English word Gospel, was originally derived from two Anglo-saxon words, god (meaning good) and spel (meaning news or tidings).
20The Implications of the Gospel
The major target of the Gospel is actually the world, which in this context refers to persons who are yet separated from God. The implication of the death of Jesus on the cross for the world is that the price for our sins and as well as our forgiveness has been paid for by his substitutionary death. (Ephesians 1:7)
21The Gospel Message and Its Implication
22The Person of the Holy Spirit
If the Bible teaches anything, it teaches that there is a Trinity, and that the Trinity consists of three persons – the Father, who is a person; the Son, who is a person; and the Holy Spirit, who is a person.
23The Role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism
The redemption plan was declared and initiated by God the Father, executed by God the Son, and ultimately its consummation in the salvation of the soul of the unbeliever through the vehicle of evangelism is carried out by the third person of the trinity, the Holy Spirit.
25Follow up, the Believers’ Responsibility
God has called every believer not only to the ministry of reconciliation but also to follow up. It is not just enough to win souls to Christ but it is the believers’ responsibility to help cultivate the faith of the new believer. Evangelism and follow up are inseparably linked together all through the scripture. Eph 4: 12-13, Rom 8:29.The believer is responsible to ensure the new believer understands the new life, their new relationship with God, who they are in Christ and too help them live the new life of faith.
26Why Follow up?
Follow up means consistently reaching out to the new believer to ensure their growth and stability in the kingdom. It is the care given to new converts to bring them to spiritual maturity and fruitfulness.
27How Long should follow-up Last?
Follow-up begins the moment one gives his life to Christ but there is no specific duration as to how long it should last.
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