To be a movement of Christ-like students in Nigeria’s tertiary institutions transforming the campus, and society upon graduation.
NIFES exists to reach out to students through evangelism and discipleship training, to mobilize them upon graduation to impact the Campus, Church, and Society with godly values.
NIFES at a Glance
The Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students (NIFES) is an indigenous, non-governmental and interdenominational organization of evangelical Christian students in Nigeria tertiary institutions. We reach out to students through small group Bible Studies, Evangelism, Prayers meetings, Large Group Meetings, Biblical Discipleship, Life-changing Leadership Training and Conference. In them is the great reservoir that contains the answers to this world’s unanswered questions and solutions to the world’s problems. In every student that steps into the campus is a potential to be great and useful to God’s kingdom and humanity. They are arrows that could be targeted to nab all the challenges of our day and make it the kingdom of our God. Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders, shape a student and you would have shaped the future.
Our Cardinal Strategies
we equip students to evangelize the campus and thousands come to Christ yearly
We train students for a committed relationship and walk with Christ as disciples
Leadership Development
We develop students to become godly leaders of influence every where
We empower and expose students for missions through campus and rural outreaches
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Our Stake Holders
We believe that Staff and Associates are partnering to equip students to reach out to other students on campus with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.



What Our Students Are Saying
I experienced the baptism of the Holy Ghost in NIFES, and my understanding was enlightened about Bible Study and effective ways to read the Bible. NIFES built my confidence when I served at the Zonal level from the group level. Indeed, NIFES brings out the values in me. Most of all, I got an understanding of the true gospel that gets people saved in NIFES. I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in NIFES. I learned to relearn and unlearn a lot about interpersonal relationships, leadership, humility, and Christian living. All thanks to God.
“LTC shifted some of my priorities away from ephemeral things to Kingdom work. I met with a lot of men and women of God, who came to minister the word and they left me with a burden for evangelism. I was awed by the deep sense of seriousness and spirituality even during the nominations and elections, and with the respect for order and authority. In all, LTC was a life shifting experience for me."
"ALT'23 was a huge eye opener, as I began to see things from a clearer perspective, and now have a better understanding of the NIFES Cardinal Programmes. Getting to really understand what the Strategic Plan is also, I made a commitment instantly to put in my best, and ensure that it is effectively carried out."
“This is my third Advanced Leadership Training, and this year’s training was indeed timely for me, especially the session which addressed “Intentional Discipleship, Principles and Practices”. I have come to understand that discipleship must be a deliberate effort and must be based on the WORD of God, for anything outside scriptural pattern turns into cultism. More so, I was made to understand that I cannot help someone become what I have not become. My heart has been filled with great teachings from various sessions of which I trust God to be committed to learning to become a better Christian and implementing them as a Student Leader as God gives me grace.”
My multitasking skill started in NIFES when I had to combine two offices at the group level and one office at the sub-zonal level, along with my academics. At first, I thought I couldn't do it, but to my greatest surprise, I did it with God's help. NIFES also helped me relate with people irrespective of their ideologies without stepping on each other's toes. I also can work in any organization with the administrative skills I have learned in NIFES.
My multitasking skill started in NIFES when I had to combine two offices at the group level and one office at the sub-zonal level, along with my academics. At first, I thought I couldn't do it, but to my greatest surprise, I did it with God's help. NIFES also helped me relate with people irrespective of their ideologies without stepping on each other's toes. I also can work in any organization with the administrative skills I have learned in NIFES.